


MyAirBridge 20GB檔案輕鬆傳,超方便的短期免費空間 | TechXG-科技指南 MyAirBridge 是一個十分優秀的檔案傳輸服務,伺服器位於捷克,但是使用起來卻並不感覺速度緩慢,下載速度甚至能直接開滿,介面簡單且無廣告,免費版便能直接上傳20GB超大檔案,可以使用E-mail傳送或是連結分享,雖然有著檔案只能 With MyAirBridge.com, you can quickly, reliably, and securely send or share your data around the world. The service is free for individual transfers up to 20 GB in size. For Windows machine, you can do this by going to Start > Command Prompt > Type ipconfig /flushdns and then hit Enter . If you suspect your ISP is blocking myairbridge.com. you may try an alternate DNS service, such as OpenDNS or Google DNS . Panama Papers Entity: MYAIRBRIDGE.COM LTD. $50/month and above (or $600/year and above) Invitation to exclusive chat with ICIJ staff about our latest major project after publication Digital minimalism – the art of simplicity. MyAirBridge.com (voice) You can send your data via the portal MyAirBridge easily, reliably and safely anywhere, to anyone… Additional details about MyAirBridge MyAirBridge Pricing $0 Customer Type


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MyAirBridge.com | Envíe o comparta despachos grandes hasta la magnitud de 20 GiB, gratuitamente Antes de utilizar nuestro servicio requerimos de su consentimiento a Terminos y condiciones de Servicio y Politica de cookies. With MyAirBridge.com, you can quickly, reliably, and securely send or share your data around the world. The service is free for individual transfers up to 20 GB in size. Need faster speeds for your transfers, extended expiration periods, password-protected transfers, shared team storage, or to use the application as a company FTP? MyAirBridge.com allows the use of end-to-end encryption! Thus, even the server administrator cannot eavesdrop on client communication that the server mediates. Your data is completely safe with us! 11 Free. (Registered) Storage size 0 GB. Single upload transfer limit 20 GB. Not stored transfers expiration 3 days. Bandwidth limit (30 days) 200 GB. Upload/Download priority up to 2 GB [2] Password protected transfer/share ×. Shared links limit (folder/total) ×. MyAirBridge charges $3.4 for the Basic version, $11 for Pro version, and $3.4 for $68 for Enterprise version with many advantages. All MyAirBridge packages are paid monthly. 27/08/2013


MyAirBridge是一款免費檔案上傳空間,最大特色是允許上傳單檔限制20GB!應該已經能滿足大部分使用者需要,而且在上傳及下載速度方面的  MyAirBridge 是一款免費檔案上傳空間,最大特色是允許上傳單檔限制20GB!應該已經能滿足大部分使用者需要,而且在上傳及下載速度方面的表現都很不錯。 2.1 WeTransfer; 2.2 MyAirBridge; 2.3 Filemail; 2.4 Smash 通过此链接,任何访问该文件的人都可以在计算机上下载发送的文件并加以利用。 用同样的方式该链接  檔案會在3天後自動移除,不用擔心會被遺留在網站上。遇到臨時突然需要傳送大量的照片、影片等文件給他人,或手機與電腦要互傳資料時,就直接利用MyAirBridge 


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MyAirBridge.com. 109,161 likes · 27 talking about this. MyAirBridge.com - Send free and easy big files up to 20 GiB!

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当您通过发送共享文件时,收件人会收到一个链接,以单击并下载它。 使用MyAirBridge,您可以上传文件并将其链接通过电子邮件发送给特定的收件人,也可以  如何透過網路分享大容量檔案?又能省下後續檔案管理的操作。可以試試MyAirBridge 免費檔案上傳空間,可透過分享連結或Email 通知對方下載  网络上的2113传输有好几种方式,例如5261QQ、邮箱、网盘、4102传输软件1653等。 传输软件很广泛,上传下载不限速,存储空间无限制,而且还可以传输大量文件,T级以上文件都可以 My airbridge(myairbridge.com)